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We Plan. We Build. We Maintain. WILLIAMS CREEK MANAGEMENT is committed to the principles of value-based construction and long-term maintenance of the built and natural systems within our communities.

Williams Creek Ravina Park Stream Bank Stabilization Project

From urban landscape creation to rural sediment maintenance, we design and build innovative and individualized solutions that meet regulatory requirements while enhancing our communities and rebuilding our natural world.

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Each of the markets we serve has a lasting impact on society. We build long-lasting relationships and high-quality solutions that are unique to clients’ projects for communities of all markets across the Midwest.

Wadlow Town Center Riparian Zone Restoration

Owner: Heartlands Conservancy
Client: Heartlands Conservancy
Location: City of Alton, Illinois
Year: 2012

Williams Creek Management provided construction services for approximately 1,800 linear feet of riparian corridor restoration in Alton, Illinois. The project site is located within an existing municipal golf course with a highly urbanized watershed.

The purpose of the project was to restore and enhance a highly eroded stream that had experienced severe downcutting, creating bank stability problems throughout the 1,800-foot reach. The project goal to improve downstream water quality to the West Fork of the Wood River served as the focal point for the future mixed-use development, as it was an integral part of receiving $13 million in infrastructure funding through the TIGER III Federal Grants to develop a transit-oriented development.

Williams Creek implemented a two-stage ditch design in conjunction with multiple grade control structures. This approach will minimize future erosion and downcutting in a historically flashy stream, reduce pollutant load that will improve downstream water quality, and create an aesthetically pleasing floodplain corridor with the use of native plantings and natural features. A multi-use trail was also incorporated into the design for future pedestrian access along the corridor.




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[email protected](877) 935-6609
4620 S County Road 600 E
Plainfield, IN 46168

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